# Uncomment this cell if running in Google Colab
!pip install clinicadl==1.6.1


You need to execute the clinicadl tsvtool getlabels and clinicadl tsvtool {split|kfold} commands prior to running this task to have the correct TSV file organization. Moreover, there should be a CAPS, obtained running the t1-linear pipeline of ClinicaDL.

Running the task#

This task can be run with the following command line:

clinicadl random-search [OPTIONS] LAUNCH_DIRECTORY NAME


  • launch_directory (Path) is the parent directory of output folder containing the file random_search.toml.

  • name (str) is the name of the output folder containing the experiment.

Content of random_search.toml#

random_search.toml must be present in launch_dir before running the command.

Mandatory variables:

  • network_task (str) is the task learnt by the network. Must be chosen between classification and regression (random sampling forreconstruction is not implemented yet). Sampling function: fixed.

  • caps_directory (str) is the input folder containing the neuroimaging data in a CAPS hierarchy. Sampling function: fixed.

  • preprocessing_json (str) corresponds to the JSON file produced by clinicadl extract used for the search. Sampling function: fixed.

  • tsv_path (str) is the input folder of a TSV file tree generated by clinicadl tsvtool {split|kfold}. Sampling function: fixed.

  • diagnoses (list of str) is the list of the labels that will be used for training. Sampling function: fixed.

  • epochs (int) is the maximum number of epochs. Sampling function: fixed.

  • n_convblocks (int) is the number of convolutional blocks in CNN. Sampling function: randint.

  • first_conv_width (int) is the number of kernels in the first convolutional layer. Sampling function: choice.

  • n_fcblocks (int) is the number of fully-connected layers at the end of the CNN. Sampling function: randint.

Train & evaluate a random network#

Based on the hyperparameter space described in random_search.json, you will now be able to train a random network. To do so the following command can be run:

!clinicadl random-search random_search maps_random_search

A new folder test has been created in launch_dir. As for any network trained with ClinicaDL it is possible to evaluate its performance on a test set:

# Evaluate the network performance on the 2 test images
!clinicadl predict random_search/maps_random_search test --participant_tsv data/split/test.tsv --caps_directory data/synthetic --selection_metrics "loss" --no-gpu
import pandas as pd

split = 0

predictions = pd.read_csv("./random_search/maps_random_search/split-%i/best-loss/test_image_level_prediction.tsv" % split, sep="\t")

metrics = pd.read_csv("./random_search/maps_random_search/split-%i/best-loss/test_image_level_metrics.tsv" % split, sep="\t")

Analysis of the random network#

The architecture of the network can be retrieved from the maps.json file in the folder corresponding to a random job.

The architecture can be fully retrieved with 4 keys:

  • convolutions is a dictionary describing each convolutional block,

  • network_normalization is the type of normalization layer used in convolutional blocks,

  • n_fcblocks is the number of fully-connected layers,

  • dropout is the dropout rate applied at the dropout layer.

One convolutional block is described by the following values:

  • in_channels is the number of channels of the input (if set to null corresponds to the number of channels of the input data),

  • out_channels is the number of channels in the output of the convolutional block. It corresponds to 2 * in_channels except for the first channel chosen from first_conv_width, and if it becomes greater than channels_limit.

  • n_conv corresponds to the number of convolutions in the convolutional block,

  • d_reduction is the dimension reduction applied in the block.

Convolutional block - example 1#

Convolutional block dictionary:

    "in_channels": 16,
    "out_channels": 32,
    "n_conv": 2,
    "d_reduction": "MaxPooling"

(network_normalization is set to InstanceNorm)

Corresponding architecture drawing:

Convolutional block - example 1#

Convolutional block dictionary:

    "in_channels": 32,
    "out_channels": 64,
    "n_conv": 3,
    "d_reduction": "stride"

(network_normalization is set to BatchNorm)

Corresponding architecture drawing:

A simple way to better visualize your random architecture is to construct it using create_model function from ClinicaDL. This function needs the list of options of the model stored in the JSON file as well as the size of the input.

!pip install torchsummary

from clinicadl.utils.maps_manager.maps_manager_utils import read_json
from clinicadl.utils.caps_dataset.data import return_dataset, get_transforms

from torchsummary import summary
import argparse
import warnings

def create_model(options, initial_shape):
    Creates model object from the model_name.
    :param options: (Namespace) arguments needed to create the model.
    :param initial_shape: (array-like) shape of the input data.
    :return: (Module) the model object
    from clinicadl.utils.network.cnn.random import RandomArchitecture
    if not hasattr(options, "model"):
        model = RandomArchitecture(options.convolutions, options.n_fcblocks, initial_shape,
                                   options.dropout, options.network_normalization, n_classes=2)
            model = eval(options.model)(dropout=options.dropout)
        except NameError:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'The model wanted %s has not been implemented.' % options.model)

    if options.gpu:

    return model


# Read model options
options = argparse.Namespace()
model_options = read_json(options, json_path="random_search/test/commandline.json")
model_options.gpu = True

# Find data input size
_, transformations = get_transforms(mode, not model_options.unnormalize)
dataset = return_dataset(mode, caps_dir, tsv_path,
                         preprocessing_json, transformations, model_options)
input_size = dataset.size

# Create model and print summary
model = create_model(model_options, input_size)
summary(model, input_size)