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t1-linear - Affine registration of T1w images to the MNI standard space

This pipeline performs a set of steps in order to affinely align T1-weighted MR images to the MNI space using the ANTs software package [Avants et al., 2014]. These steps include: bias field correction using N4ITK [Tustison et al., 2010]; affine registration to the MNI152NLin2009cSym template [Fonov et al., 2011, 2009] in MNI space with the SyN algorithm [Avants et al., 2008]; cropping of the registered images to remove the background.

This pipeline was designed as a prerequisite for the `extract and deep learning classification algorithms presented in [Wen et al., 2020].


If you only installed the core of Clinica, this pipeline needs the installation of ANTs on your computer.

Running the pipeline

The pipeline can be run with the following command line:



  • BIDS_DIRECTORY is the input folder containing the dataset in a BIDS hierarchy.
  • CAPS_DIRECTORY is the output folder containing the results in a CAPS hierarchy.

On default, cropped images (matrix size 169×208×179, 1 mm isotropic voxels) are generated to reduce the computing power required when training deep learning models. Use the option --uncropped_image if you do not want to crop the image.

It is also possible to obtain a deterministic result by setting the value of the random seed used by ANTs with the option --random_seed. Default will lead to a non-deterministic result. This option requires ANTs version 2.3.0 onwards.


The arguments common to all Clinica pipelines are described in Interacting with clinica.


Do not hesitate to type clinica run t1-linear --help to see the full list of parameters.


Results are stored in the following folder of the CAPS hierarchy: subjects/<participant_id>/<session_id>/t1_linear with the following outputs:

  • <source_file>_space-MNI152NLin2009cSym_res-1x1x1_T1w.nii.gz: T1w image affinely registered to the MNI152NLin2009cSym template.
  • (optional) <source_file>_space-MNI152NLin2009cSym_desc-Crop_res-1x1x1_T1w.nii.gz: T1w image registered to the MNI152NLin2009cSym template and cropped.
  • <source_file>_space-MNI152NLin2009cSym_res-1x1x1_affine.mat: affine transformation estimated with ANTs.

Going further

You can now use the ClinicaDL framework presented in [Wen et al., 2020] for classification or registration quality check based on deep learning methods.

Describing this pipeline in your paper

Example of paragraph

These results have been obtained using the t1-linear pipeline of Clinica [Routier et al., 2021; Wen et al., 2020]. More precisely, bias field correction was applied using the N4ITK method [Tustison et al., 2010]. Next, an affine registration was performed using the SyN algorithm [Avants et al., 2008] from ANTs [Avants et al., 2014] to align each image to the MNI space with the ICBM 2009c nonlinear symmetric template [Fonov et al., 2011, 2009]. (Optional) The registered images were further cropped to remove the background resulting in images of size 169×208×179, with 1 mm isotropic voxels.


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