– Conversion of Harvard Aging Brain Study (HABS) to BIDS¶
This converter does not require additional dependencies beyond Clinica.
Downloading HABS¶
This converter requires both the clinical and imaging data available for download on the Harvard Aging Brain Study website.
Access to the dataset must be requested through the submission of an online form. Please review the Requested Data section carefully and check that both the clinical data and desired imaging modalities are selected. Upon acceptance, a list of personalized download links should be emailed to you. Keep in mind those links will be set with an expiry date and the size of dataset is reasonably large (more than 100 GB), so it is advised to complete the download process as early as possible.
Supported modalities¶
At this stage, the HABS to BIDS converter supports the T1, FLAIR and PET modalities. Support for additional modalities may be implemented in the future.
Running the converter¶
Move the downloaded files to a common folder (say sourcedata
). Do not alter or unzip the content of the original
files. Run the following command to convert the dataset to BIDS format in the target rawdata
clinica convert habs-to-bids /path/to/sourcedata /path/to/rawdata
Example paragraph:
The HABS dataset has been converted to BIDS [Gorgolewski et al., 2016] using Clinica [Routier et al., 2021].