This practical session will give an introduction to code and data versioning.
The first part will guide you through the usage of Git for code versioning, while the second part will explain how to use Git with DVC in order to perform code and data versioning.
The objective of the tutorial is to gain knowledge on:
how to use Git in a basic way in order to properly version your code.
how to describe your expriments as data pipelines, encoded as YAML files, to make them easily reproducible.
Running interactively the notebooks#
To run interactively the content of this book you have two options: run it locally or use Colab.
If you have a system on which you are used to work with the command-line, then we encourage you to try following the session with a local setup. The benefit will be that you will leave the tutorial with your system configured and ready to use.
If you are not used to work with the command line of your system, we encourage you to follow the turorial online on Collab.
When the content of the page is interactive, hover over the rocket icon at the top of the page an click “Colab” to open a cloud version of the same page. Colab notebooks are very similar to jupyter notebooks and the content can be executed cell by cell by clicking Ctrl-Enter (or Cmd-Enter).
You need to login with a Google account and authorize to link with github.
For the last chapter which relies on deep learning models, you can choose a runtime with GPU (Runtime menu -> “Change runtime type”). This will improve significantly the networks training times. Note that the training can stil be performed on CPU but will last a few minutes.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/aramis-lab/NOW-2023
cd NOW-2023
Create a dedicated environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate now
Install the dependencies
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
pip install -r ./jupyter-book/requirements.txt
Launch jupyterlab or jupyter notebook
jupyter lab
A new browser window will open, choose the correponding notebook from the folder notebooks
Programming knowledge in Python, basics usage of PyTorch (see here).
Part 1 - Code versioning with GIT
Part 2 - Data versioning with DVC